The Dutch Church is tucked away in the vestigial lane of Austin Friars, overshadowed by Tower 42 (the former Nat West Tower) in the City. It has a modest two-manual organ built by Willem van Leeuwen in 1954 in the spirit of the Baroque revival – suitable for the smallish building of the same date, but muffled to some extent by the niche it sits in. It aims to be a meeting place for Dutch people living and working in London for longer or shorter periods. It is open on Sundays and at times during the week also. The Dutch Church in London is an independent and ecumenical parish where Dutch worshippers from different religious traditions are welcome. For centuries the Dutch psalms and hymns resounded in the church of Austin Friars until, in 1940, the building was destroyed during one of the bombardments of the city.
After the war, in 1950, a new church rose on the same spot.
As you can see, the way up to the organ is by climbing a spiral staircase!