The Chapel
The Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament was added to the Abbey in recent years. The entire east end of the chapel is filled by a modern stained glass window depicting Jesus at the Last Supper. It was designed by Father Charles Norris and made by him and his team, as were the panels of bright coloured ‘Tiles of glass’ that form part of the side walls.
The Organ
The organ was donated by Mr. Tony Gould, one of our members, as a memorial to his late wife Bridget. There is a memorial plaque to this effect on the side of the organ. There was a good attendance and Tony Gould and Father Sebastian were present to talk about the organ and answer questions. Most of the members had the opportunity to play, and we were delighted when Father Sebastian played a very rousing piece of his own composition, as a finale.
The three-manual Viscount Jubilee 332 Deluxe electronic organ is situated to the North side of the High Altar. It has a 32-note radiating concave pedal-board, stop tabs, combination pistons including illuminated foot pistons, memory banks, transposer and many other features.
The organ specification is as follows:
Manual I | Manual II | Manual III | Pedal |
Prinzipal 8′ Gedackt 8′ Octave 4′ Rohrflöte 4′ Nazard 2+2/3 Superoktave 2′ Terz 1+3/5′ Mixtur 5F Unda Maris II Krummorn 8′ Tremulant | Bourdon 16′ Prinzipal 8′ Gedackt 8′ Octave 4′ Rohrflöte 4′ Superoktave 2′ Kornett 4F Mixtur 5F Fagott 16′ Trompete 8′ | Bourdon 8′ Gamba 8′ Prinzipal 4′ Flöte 4′ Nazard 2+2/3′ Rohrflöte 2′ Terz 1+3/5′ Zimbel 4F Vox Celeste II Oboe 8′ Tremulant | Prinzipalbass 16′ Kontrabass 16′ Subbass 16′ Oktavebass 8′ Gedackt 8′ Choralbass 4′ Flote 2′ Mixtur 6F Kontrabombarde 32′ Bombarde 16′ Trompette 8′ Clarine 4′ |